A Comprehensive Guide To Personal Injury Lawyers And Their Services

26 October 2021
 Categories: Law, Blog


Suppose you have been physically injured in an accident caused by another individual's or organization's negligence. In that case, you can file a claim and receive compensation. But, to do that successfully, you need a trained and experienced personal injury attorney. Below are the various types of cases handled by these specialized attorneys.

1. Workplace injuries

As a worker, you are predisposed to numerous injuries, including getting trapped under heavy machinery, fires and explosions, and those related to repetitive stress and overexertion. All these have the potential to leave you with physical and mental scars. Plus, they undermine your productivity and may lead to loss of employment. Personal injury lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve when this happens.

2. Auto accidents

According to a recent report, approximately 5.25 million auto accidents happen in the United States each year. That is why these are among the most common personal injury cases handled by personal injury attorneys. Besides vehicular accidents, these experts also represent victims of hit and run, motorcycle, drunk driving, and taxi cab accidents.

3. Slip and fall accidents

All property owners have the responsibility of ensuring their premises are hazard-free and reasonably safe. If their negligence to maintain optimum conditions leads to a slip and fall, you may qualify for compensation. But you need to hire a personal injury attorney to assist in establishing who's responsible for your slip and fall and how much compensation your injuries warrant.

4. Dog attack cases

Dog attack cases are more common than you may think. In fact, according to statistics, dogs bite over 4.5 million people annually in the United States alone. Considering this number excludes other cases, like when a dog knocks over an item or individual, the likelihood of getting involved in a dog-related case is significantly high. If a dog has attacked you or someone you know, use a personal injury attorney in seeking reparation from the dog's owner.

5. Defective medical devices and products

Few scenarios can be as detrimental as those involving defective medicinal drugs and medical devices. Faulty medical devices often lead to infections, incorrect dosages, injury, and in extreme situations, death. On the other hand, defective medicine can lead to severe health consequences, including congenital disabilities, allergic reactions, and toxicity. If you believe you're a victim of either of these cases, seek legal representation from a skilled personal injury attorney.

The Bottom Line

Personal injuries that affect the body, mind, and emotions are widespread. When they happen, they lead to distress, physical disabilities, and, sometimes, loss of employment. That can undermine the victim's ability to lead a fulfilling life and provide for their loved ones. In that case, financial compensation can help the victim cope. And to get the compensation you deserve, it's advisable to lawyer up by hiring a reputable personal injury attorney. 

For more information on what constitutes a personal injury, contact a personal injury lawyer near you.