All About Work-Related Injuries

24 September 2019
 Categories: Law, Blog


There are a lot of ways that someone can get hurt while they are on the job. Even the most mundane and safe-looking jobs come with risks, even if they are the same risks one would face when in their home or taking a trip to the grocery store. Then, there are more naturally dangerous jobs that come with increased risks of work-related injuries. To learn more about work-related injuries, read here.

What are some common types of work-related injuries?

While there are some very surprising ways in which people end up getting hurt while on the job, there are also some ways that are more commonplace. Some of the more common ways in which employees are hurt on the job include:

  • Slip- and fall-related injuries
  • Strains and sprains
  • Injuries due to falling objects
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Collisions
  • Toxic fume illnesses
  • Falling from heights

What do you do if you were in an accident and have a work-related injury?

When accidents happen, you won't always feel the pain until later on. This is one reason why many people find themselves experiencing difficulties due to not reporting the incidents to their employers right away. This is also why it is important for you to report any and all accidents that you are involved in to your employer immediately. This way, if you experience pain and/or realize you do have an injury, the incident is already documented, and this will help you to prove the injury is caused by a work-related accident. When you do report the incident to your employer, you should also make sure you get a copy of the report for your records.

What happens if you think the accident was your fault?

The accident may have been your fault, or legally it may still be due to something that was due to your employer's negligence. Therefore, even if it seems that you may have been at fault, it is always a good thing for you to contact a lawyer and discuss your accident with them. When you discuss your accident with your lawyer, you are going to want to be sure that you give them all the details. It is very important that they know everything they have to in order for them to represent you to the best of their ability. If things come out later while they are ill-prepared, then this can cause issues for you.

Look for work injury assistance if you have been in an accident while on the job.